Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Tutorial 4b - Using Splines to model a head

4b Using splines to model a head
Eric Maslowski

Giving the model shape.

First we need to fix problems that arise when we converted these quads to a surface.

First, select object, click on vertex in sub object level, zoom in on forehead, turn off snaps chose move tool, Click on quads and you will see that they are not attached. We need to weld these together to create one continuous mesh
Click and drag over all vertices, in the modify panel > edit vertices > Weld. To check that you have welded all the vertices check the amount of vertices before and after as you may weld or collapse two vertices together. Now decrease to 0 increase by 1 click and check the vertices. It should be the same for ‘after’ each time. Click OK. Now the vertices are attached.

Go into both views, now we start giving image some depth. Take the points and align them to key features. This is why it is important that your images line up.
Firstly select all the points which are on the border straight down the middle. Select > edit geometry > make planar > click on x, which will align in the x axis.
Now switch to left view and click and drag the vertices across on the x axis.
Reposition the left plane if it is overlapping. Unfreeze the reference plate and move to side where it won’t interfere with the object. Re-freeze.

Select vertices and take individual points and match the profile. Just use the x axis.
It is difficult to see what is going on. If you right click > properties, see through object, it makes the face semi transparent. (Or Alt x).
Choose edged faces. Align as best you can.

Now go to next row. Continue to drag the vertices over. The forehead is a fairly flat area, so the vertices of the front line will be very close to those in the next line. Work in layers working from right to left.

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